Brooke from the Top Model Shoot2007 Pages - Click and Go | |||
Laying in the sand --- OK - I can dig that! We have a Yahoo Group - FabioIFC - if you haven't heard from us by email - GO ADD YOUR NAME.
DATE: October 2006 Brooke - From America's Top Model Show Looks like he has short hair - Which, by the way, looks stunning on him. This shot was hard to get "Gee - he has such BIG thighs!" Thye kept putting her hand higher. Fabio tried to pose her too.
This was when they were trying to get her into SOME sort of pose. He was trying to help.
Copyright © 2007Donamaie E. White Material may not be reproduced without written peremission of the author.
Home page: eMAIL [email protected]t I can answer a lot of your questions about Fabio Remember that he is not on-line. Remember that boxers or briefs is not an appropriate question. |